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Hot and Heavy

Writer's picture: Constance WilmothConstance Wilmoth

Show season is my favorite time of the year, the biggest problem, at least in the north east, is that it begins in early May and it is pretty much over by mid June. We have a few shows sprinkled throughout July and one in August, but mainly our shows are back to back within six weeks of each other! This leaves me with the lack of show blues! I work so hard during show season to keep up with home, barn, work and showing chores, that when I suddenly find myself with a free weekend and nothing to pack or work for I start to go a little crazy.

I really do believe the saying is true that you get more done when you have more to do, but it is difficult to slow back down to the pace of life after show season ends! Thankfully, as show season ends I have our annual fair to look forward to. I have looked forward to and continue to plan for the Great Dayton Fair. This is an event my family has been attending for the past 20 years contiguously as exhibitors, and much longer as spectators and sporadic exhibitors. This year is no different, as I sit down to write my list of equipment needed, I am overwhelmed by the amount of stuff it takes to take two horses, two people and six goats to a fair for a week long! We do not live close to the fairgrounds, so we take both our truck and trailer and our SUV loaded down with animals, feed and equipment. We even buy our bedding and hay local to the fairgrounds, so we do not have to bring it!

You would think after attending for 20 years we would have it down to a science, but each year seems to be slightly different and requires more thought and planning to ensure the fair goes off without a hitch! I also look forward to this time of year because it allows for a much needed reset. It gives our pastures a week long rest, and allows me to clean out the barn to prepare for the new hay harvest, which is usually ready right around fair time. I also pull our mats and power wash the barn and mats to allow them to fully

dry before we get home. We pull most of the equipment from the barn, which allows for deep barn cleaning, removal of clutter and clearance of the cobwebs. To me a clean barn is a sign of happiness, so I rejoice when I complete all of these tasks. I hope you all are having a wonderful summer and show season. Let me know if you have any show and packing tips and tricks!

Happy Goating!

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