When we started house hunting back in 2014, I was not prepared for the amount of time, energy, money, sweat, planning and emotional angst that would go into finding our home. After almost two years of searching and almost diving our realtor to drink, we finally found the place where we call home today. As Rob and I toured it, we looked at each other, shrugging our shoulders if we should put an offer in, and low and behold we ended up with the house and property. As we walked the property I envisioned our future here, and we have continued to live and build that future over the past six years. We turned our front which was nothing but a 10 acre corn field into pasture, put in our first fencing, converted the detached garage into my "barn", reclaimed the chicken coop from the woods, replacing the sides and the roof, built our run in shed, added geotextile to it along with gravel and put in sheep and goat fencing in our upper field. The next fun project on the list is putting automatic waters in our pasture. This means that we will now have water and light in our chicken coop/ buck house and our run in shed, along with three automatic waters with heaters out in our field. Long gone will the days be of running multiple hoses and scrubbing stock tanks, or lugging buckets of water in the sweltering sun or ice cold.
This will allow the horses and goats to have unlimited access to fresh, clean water that remains unfrozen all year long. This will be paramount to their health and well being. I spent a good amount of time researching what I wanted and we finally settled on the large mouth, 11 inch tall nelson waters. They arrived on Sunday and we have been discussing what tools, timing and equipment we need to get this job done before the snow flies here. I for one cannot wait to get this project completed, as it will simplify my life along with improving the quality of life for my animals.
Building a farm from a place that was simply a home with land has been an adventure that I did not realize how much would go into it, but one I have enjoyed and hope to continue to build on

. We have been able to build in a step-wise fashion, added here and there, and do it together, to our goals and dreams. It has taught us many things and given us the ability to work together as a team on our goals which I absolutely love! Stay tuned to see how this project turns out, along with many others that we have planned for the future here at Udderly Wicked. Take care, enjoy the fall and Happy Goating!