Let me start this blog by apologizing for missing the last two weeks of blogs. This has been the longest time I have went without blogging for the past three years. Life has been an absolute whirlwind these past two weeks. The compound effects of my personal job accelerating, my responsibilities to hit targets for the end of the year, working to try to get all of the holiday responsibilities done, between shopping, wrapping, planning. baking ect. and to top it off I had two does here for breeding. With all of this going on, my usual routines and rituals were thrown out the window. I have been working just to survive and keep our life afloat.
I finally feel like I have things somewhat under control. We churned out a ton of fudge and spice orders for the holidays, and still have a few more to hand deliver tommorrow. It has been an incredibly exciting and action packed few weeks. I still have to get stocking stuffers for my spectacular husband and I am hoping to spend some time Sunday baking some Christmas treats!
We had one doe get brought back for breeding, and thankfully work has started to wind down a little bit for the year. I am also hoping to ultrasound a few does this weekend to confirm their pregnancies' and potentially even get blood drawn for biosecurity testing. I ordered blood tubes back in October and finally just was able to get some from a friend!!
The most exciting part of the week was when my dear friend Joey called me with a doe in labor. She was expecting her to kid soon and had been keeping a close eye on her, and when the 30 minute mark passed of her pushing and no progress was happening she called me. We both went through the C section ordeal together last time, so we were both on edge about this kidding. Side note, the doe that had the c section is doing well and is almost fully recovered!
I arrived at her place with kidding kit in tow, this included the new kid puller that I bought after the last birth. As I walked to the barn Joey met me in the driveway with a huge grin on her face! We have a little girl she yelled! The sense of relief that washed over me was huge. We went to the barn and watched her to see if she would have any more kids, but after about an hour of chatting in her barn the doe passed the placenta and is doing great with a beautiful single doe kid!
In this holiday season it is wonderful to take time to reflect on how lucky I am to live the life I am. I am blessed to have wonderful friends, a loving and supportive family, the best husband that I could ever ask for and healthy happy animals. As I take stock in all the blessings I have, I am thankful to be able to have had this year with all of them, as they make my life so much more fulfilled. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends! Take care and Happy Goating!
