This past weekend was an awesome adventure, we headed to the first ADGA show of the season in Troy PA. This was about 4.5 hours from out from our home, so we prepared and left early Friday morning. After multiple stops I took my first chance at driving the truck and trailer! Rob had a conference call and I did not want to sit and wait for an hour while he took his call, so I got behind the wheel of our new truck very nervously! I was very impressed with how the new truck handled, pulling our trailer with ease, where our old truck would have struggled significantly! When we were about 40 minutes out from the show I pulled over and Rob took back over.
Arriving at the show was like coming home! It was so nice to see our goat show family that we have not seen in so long! We got all of the goats settled in and headed to bed, because we knew Saturday would be a LONG day! We were awoken at 5 AM with rain and I was immediately disappointed. Showing in the rain is no fun and the goats will not perform as well if they are wet! Thankfully, as the show started the rain lightened up and we had an incredible day showing. It was an extremely large show with all of the Nigerian classes being 20+ entries. Each of our does performed well. Zoey placed 2,2,3 in her classes Moots was 3,4,5, Stella was 2,2,3 and Godiva was 1,5,0. I am so proud of how my tiny herd performed against some very large competitive herds of goats! We made the executive decision to head home after one ring of the buck show, because it was already 10:30 PM and we wanted to make it home before Sunday. Branson did well in the one ring we showed. In the yearling buck class he placed 4th out of about 20 other yearling bucks.
We also were asked to transport a goat home for someone in Western PA, so we picked up the tiniest cutest little doeling to take to her new owners. I was worried because of her size that she would get beat up by my older goats, so she rode in the front seat of the truck/ in my arms the whole way to her new owners. We met at a gas station to fill up the truck at 2:30 AM and the little doeling went to her new home and owners. I kept telling her, if her new owners did not want her, I would be taking her home with me!
We finally arrived home after a long, dark exhausting journey around 4:00 AM. The goats ran to the barn, happy to be home after a few long days and we unpacked the refrigerator of the trailer and headed to bed. Knowing we could leave the rest of the trailer to be unloaded the following day once we got some much needed sleep. By the time we were in bed, we had been up for almost a full 24 hrs, but it was worth it to have an amazing time at the show and reconnect with our goat family! Stay tuned for our adventures next week! Happy Goating!
