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Writer's pictureConstance Wilmoth

The Last Straw......

I have been noticeably missing the past few weeks. To say I have been struggling is an understatement. Just for context, I have been traveling every week out of May with the exception of this one for work and sometimes even working 24 hours straight. My "regular" job has been very demanding and stressful the past month or so, but here is to hoping there is an end in sight for mid June. To add a sprinkling confetti of fun to the mix, we began attending twice a week farmers markets to sell our goat branded products. My husband sells his Gray Goat BBQ sauces and spice mixes and I have been selling my goats milk fudge. It has been extremely rewarding to get to attend these events and a lot of fun, but it does take a significant amount of time to prepare for and attend.

So much so, that when our last goat to kid for the season Zoey was due Sunday, I had no idea she was even in full labor! We knew she was due that day, so we hosted the WPDGA meeting at our house, and I knew she had lost her ligaments, but I figured she would kid later that night or the next day. Something told me as I was sitting on the bed talking to my husband to check the barn camera. So I did and low and behold there were two babies in the pen! I was so thankful that I went out to check, because I have always assisted and attended Zoey's births that the tiniest little chocolate doeling was still fully encased in her water sac. If I had not been there so quickly she would have drowned. To say I was excited was an understatement. These were our first and last two does of the season that we will be retaining! Sadly, momma rejected these two little girls, so they have been living in my house in a dog crate doing quite well on the bottle! Then Zoey laid down and had a massive buckling! He is happy and living out with her. This was by far her quickest and easiest kidding that she has ever had, it was absolutely text book. We are so excited to have all healthy mommas and healthy kids. She made it worth it for missing the Mt. Gilead show this weekend, because I knew she was due on Sunday.

Our final buck to doe ratio is 8 bucks and 2 does for the season. So if you need a buck or wether, let me know!!! 4 have been sold and 4 still need to find homes!! What I think is quite miraculous is Momma kidded with us for four consecutive years and has stayed consistent with 2 does and a buck each and every time!!!

To top off the crazy, our lawn mower went in for service and the last time we were able to mow was last Wednesday, so by the time it gets back here in two weeks, I am sure we will be baling hay on our front yard! We are truly looking forward to our show this coming weekend at WRDGA, it will be the first show of the year! I got all of the animals that are going clipped and ready on Monday, so now it is simply down to packing!

I hope the rest of you are having a much slower start to the transition between spring and summer. I hope you are all well! Take care and Happy goating!!

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