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  • Writer's pictureConstance Wilmoth

Trampolines,Udders and Goat Milk?!

Being sequestered at home has yielded many positive things for my life, we have spent more time in the barn and around our property than we have in years. I have wondered to myself in the past why are we paying a mortgage on our property when all we do is clean, sleep and eat here. Life has been on fast forward and this challenging time has allowed us to take a step back and enjoy things that we should have been prioritizing before. We have been able to work on projects around the farm that we have been meaning to do for quite some time. It is also the most consecutive amount of time we have been able to spend together as a couple since our honeymoon!

This has also allowed us to stay present with our goats for their kiddings, and enjoy all of the small moments with our kids. My husband bought a trampoline for the baby goats to play and they have discovered the joy of playing and bouncing! The adult goats fight over the trampoline to sleep because they find it so comfortable and the babies jump and frolic and play! We are also anxiously awaiting Moots to kid. She is due on Saturday, but she is getting big and very uncomfortable. We

are expecting 1-2 kids from her, as her ultrasound was not clear. We are hoping for a safe and easy delivery for her.

I have also started milking Zoey, and we have plenty of excess milk to play around with. I am planning to pasteurize the milk and make a small batch of cheve today. I hope you are all staying safe and healthy. Try to find the good in all situations, and enjoy each day as the gift it truly is!

Happy Goating!

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