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  • Writer's pictureConstance Wilmoth

Doing the best I can...

The goats are an absolute passion of mine, they bring me so much happiness and joy during any day. Yesterday when my husband got home I saw the goats run to him from the hillside where they were grazing and my heart absolutely swelled with joy. We take any time that we can to do fun things with and for the goats. This weekend was no exception when we took the time to put together a small jungle gym for both the does and the bucks. We bought a few wooden wire spools about a week ago and we proceeded to cover the holes on the top and adjoin them to create a "walk the plank" experience for the goats. The goats have all enjoyed these new toys immensely. The babies have been playing queen of the mountain on the spools and pushing each other off the top of the plank. Sitting on our porch while enjoying dinner and the evening has brought a whole new layer of entertainment. The adults even enjoy the new toys; Zoey and Moots have been using them as their personal sun tanning spots. Poor Ivy is not agile enough to jump up to the top of the spool. We did pick her up to show her what the top was like much to her chagrin. She has been very curious and looking at it and using it as a new scratching post, we will have to add a ramp so she can enjoy the goat lawn furniture as well.

We specifically placed this outside of our sliding glass door in our backyard that way we could look out the window and truly enjoy the craziness that is our goats. I cannot tell you how many times during the past week that I have been stressed about work, and I have looked out to see their furry craziness and smiled as a result of them simply being goats. This is where the Goat Mom guilt comes in. I like many people out there feel like sometimes there is simply not enough of me to go around! Between work, side hustles and our homestead, there are many days I lay down in bed and look at Rob and say, wasn't it just 6 AM like a few minutes ago? Where did the time go? I have been feeling bad lately that I have not been spending enough time with our goats. They are only with us for a short period of time and there is no question in my mind that they enjoy hanging out with us. This is where my wheels start to turn. When I sit down to think about all of the things that take up my time, I really must decide what is precious and important to me and this is what I should spend my time on. Life is short and we can so easily get lost in the day to day tasks that call out to be accomplished, but one thing resonates true and that is enjoy the moments. Take time to stop and hang out with the goats, to enjoy the beautiful sunset and the gorgeous fall leaves. The work will always be there, but the animals, people and things that you love will not always be. Life is short and I for one want to live it on my terms, with as much joy as I can. Remember, things will never be perfect, but as long as you are doing your best and focusing on what matters most to you will never have any regrets.

Happy Goating!

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